© Cziczó Attila


Aha |

(2011 - 2012)


A nép ellensége / An Enemy of the People |

(2012 - 2014)


Az utolsó magyar / The Last of the Hungarians |

(2013 - 2014)


Callgirl |

(2015 - 2016)


Édes Dezsõ! / My Dear Fellow! |

(2016 - 2017)


Fém / Metal |

(2009 - 2010)


Fém / Metal |

(2016 - 2017)


Gabriella tizennégyszer / Gabriella Fourteen Times |

(2012 - 2016)


Gém / Game |

(2016 - 2017)


Gyenge vagyok / Broken Reed |

(2011 - 2013)


Halhatatlan / Immortal |

(2013 - 2015)


Happy New York |

(2016 - 2017)


HáRoMnõVÉr / ThreeSisterS |



iluska.wb |



Iskolapélda / The Despair of Teachers |

(2010 - 2012)


Iza és Krisztián / Iza and Christian |

(2015 - 2017)


Jonatán / Jonathan |

(2014 - 2016)


Káélet / F'ing Life |

(2008 - 2011)


K.O. [kötelezõ|olvasmány] / [required | reading] |

(2015 - 2016)


Májlájt / Mylight |

(2012 - 2013)


nem|más / no|different |

(2012 - 2013)


Mûköröm / Manicure |

(2010 - 2012)


Romantika / Romance |

(2012 - 2013)


Tájbrék / Tie-break |

(2014 - 2015)


TI [Terra Incognita] | (2011 - 2012)


Weekend |







































































Tájbrék / Tie-break (Attila Cziczó)

Tragicomedy in two acts (140 minutes)

"’Tájbrék’ (Tie-break) is a contemporary drama by Attila Cziczó, founder of Fészek Theatre. The absurd play was written for the occasion and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the democratization of Hungary and the Central European countries surrounding it. Following the story of an average Hungarian family, we get a picture of three different generations – this provides insight into how people of all ages try to find their path in a young democracy.
The company’s performance, directed by the author is a colourful absurd, filled with contrast, controversy, references from the European and American pop culture. It is an impulsive, emotional, energetic performance that was praised by foreign viewers, one of them stating that it is completely understandable even without subtitles, because theatre is a universal language. Our aim was to provide an amusing ’merry go round’-like experience but also to sneak in a lot of codes and implications between the layers.
Through the main character’s eyes we follow the family’s reality, but it is always interrupted with imagination sequences, where the viewer gets to observe the the character’s mind full of memories, hopes, dreams, disappointment and suppression. The performance is not only universal in the sense that it presents human emotions but in a linguistic sense as well. There are French, Italian, English and Finnish speaking characters which makes ’Tájbrék’ even more polyphonic."

The play will have English subtitles.

Gyõzõ Pesti, middle aged hairdresser - Tamás Barabás
Magdolna Pesiné Hovár, middle aged estate agent, wife of Gyõzõ Pesti - Katalin Károlyi
Dorina P. Hovár, 25 years old actress, their daughter - Zsófia Miklós
Izabella Hovárné, mother of Magdolna - Kati Andai
Éva, young girl, lover of Gyõzõ - Cintia Tyroler
Robi Grafenberg, young student, boyfriend of Dorina - Máté Miklós
Gyõzõ Nádor, Finnish-Hungarian lawyer from Iceland - Gábor Harsay

Pál Fekete, man who works for the lawyer - Attila Cziczó
Gábor Sereg, man who works for the lawyer - Máté Miklós
Christine Copé, French ambassador - Katalin Károlyi
Alexandrine (old), a French singer, who was popular in the sixties - Kati Andai

Alexandrine (young) - Zsófia Miklós
Tobacconist from Fellini’s Amarcord - Cintia Tyroler
Selvetia, Guardian Angel - Katalin Károlyi
Dezsõ Kosztolányi, early XXth century Hungarian poet - Gábor Harsay
Jim Morrison - Máté Miklós
Attila Nándor Pesti, the father of Gyõzõ
- Kati Andai
Clown - Cziczó Attila

Music editor - Dániel Cziczó
Music & Lyrics - Attila Cziczó
Scenery - Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



Az utolsó magyar / The Last of the Hungarians (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in two acts (140 minutes)

"Back to the Future?"

Júlia - Veronika Sipos
Johanna - Annamária Bűdi
Bronislava - Zsófia Miklós
Róza - Cintia Tyroler
Comrade Golgota - Béla Stubnya
Béla Pintér - András Toldi
Alian - József Magyar
Zoltán Petőfia - Máté Miklós
Móric Vonya - Máté Horváth
Uncle Reich - József Magyar
Béluska Kohn - András Toldi

Movement - Béla Stubnya
Music editor - Dániel Cziczó
Music - Attila Cziczó
Scenery - Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Poems of Zoltán Petőfia by Máté Miklós
Producer - Anikó Jendrics ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



Halhatatlan / Immortal (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (90 minutes)

"She headed for a big battle, jumped on a horse,
Which the little meatloaves never knew, of course.
Baba went with weapons, with fork and spoon
She went to fight, but only played with Doom."

The play will have English subtitles.

Dönci - Zoltán Bezerédi
Elvira - Kati Andai
Gerda - Marianna Szalay
Vatta - Fruzsina Görgényi

Music editor - Dániel Cziczó
Scenery - Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
English text - Ági Bori
Producer - Anikó Jendrics ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó




Romantika / Romance (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (110 minutes)

"A tale about an unfortunate musician who feels not only his own pinch but even the Hungarian kid’s too. Love, misunderstanding, opposites--a current story, only sugarcoated. Gypsies. Romas. Minority. Majority. One is worse than the other! Worse one. How do we see them? How do they see us? Is there really them and us? Absurd propaganda about the ‘Hungarian’ and ‘Gypsy’ relations of today. There is no solution: there is European Union. Not even a question. I am just answering..."
Sakko manush slobodeske thaj egalnoske arakhadyol, egalno putyara thaj grizha si les. Le manusha godyasa thaj jilesa sile opre hurade, jekhavresa phralutne gindosa trubun te inkrenpe.

Kisgiza - Zsanett Kohut
Tata - Tamás Barabás
Mamácska - Veronika Sipos
Gizanyanya - Kati Andai
Anti - Balázs Orosz
Mrs. Igaz - Sipos Veronika
Timi - Cintia Tyroler
Mrs. Varga - Cintia Tyroler
Gino - Ján Koncsol
Szátyárböske - Annamária Bűdi
Pista - András Toldi
Redskin - József Magyar
Priest - Ján Koncsol
Petra - Veronika Sipos
Amherkan - Ajna Magyar

Scenery - Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Music - Ján Koncsol
Producer - Anikó Jendrics ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



Gabriella tizennégyszer / Gabriella Fourteen Times (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (80 minutes)

“A real man wants two things: play and danger. That is why he wants the woman, as the most dangerous trinket. Nietzsche, Nietzsche, Nietzsche, Nietzsche... Men! Without a woman you are worth nothing. And I like, I like the woman’s role, indeed. How I would have liked to die with a lipstick and a mirror in my hand! I would have liked to age from a girl into a lady, from a lady into a woman. To step through life’s stairway. Instead, I became a vengeful feminist monster. Because I liked it. But at the wrong time and at the wrong place. Oh, I surely found the best way! The man whom I could admire. The idol, the deity, the icon, my private god. Whether it was love, I can’t say for sure anymore. I gave it my all. Everything. And I had the opportunity: I could sacrifice, I could sacrifice my body and soul. I found myself in a biblical tale. I could meet the devil too. A woozy and narcissistic animal-like male, suffering from inferiority, sickly self-proving with his seductions. One whom I freed fourteen times from his sufferings while spread out atop of the altar of noble aspiration with narcotic acceptance. I cannot be good anymore. Or bad either. Whom I am, that person is a stranger of society in every culture. I endured this dirty little war. I became a civil offering. I am not happy about it. I should have been a layperson! I failed. I apologize to myself. Forgive me, Gabriella!”

Gabriella - Zsófia Miklós
Dániel - Tamás Barabás
Doctor - Béla Stubnya

Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Music - Dániel Serei
Producer - Anikó Jendrics ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó




Májlájt / Mylight (Attila Nyulassy)

Drama in one act (70 minutes)

This isn’t the Twilight, but what if it would happen? But of course we know that it cannot be, that vampires do not exist, but do we believe that? What if they did? But secretly, or or not so secretly, we all long to be in a fictional world, or in our own fictional world. Where everything is allowed, where there are no rules, where anything can happen, where stories can be rewritten anytime, where everything can happen the way we imagine it. The way I imagine it--but how many of me exist? Let’s imagine that everyone imagines their own world, but how can all those imaginations actually manifest?
Everyone has some sort of a relationship with imagination, which, regardless of our own input, is being formed by outside effects. Until what point is my imagination mine, and from what point on is it dominated by something or someone else? For example, an intriguing story, an enticing situation, an exciting film? One that only needs to seduce me once. Of course, there isn’t a world-captivating novel, since there are lots of people who don’t like Twilight, but if others around them worship it so much, then how can those who don’t care avoid getting wrapped up in it?
Bella didn’t want to be a vampire, and the opportunity didn’t even arise, since she didn’t even know that vampires existed; she was cynical about miracles her whole life and, in addition, she was an anti-social introvert. But one day she decided to believe in them. Or do others make her believe in them? Or does she want to believe because she is in love? We can say that this is a girly novel, a story of a teenager waiting for the blonde prince. But stories always are reality-based; this time perhaps on the fact that vampires do exist. They have been in existence since man’s imagination created them, they live among us, they live inside us, and they are waiting to resurrect. It is dawning already.

Bella / Viki - Veronika Sipos
Edward / András - Balázs Orosz
Alice / Bori - Gabriella Cselle
Rosalie / Nóra - Boglárka Kiss
Emmett / Attila - Dávid Gallai

Scenery - Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Attila Nyulassy & Anikó Jendrics
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Nyulassy




A nép ellensége / An Enemy of the People (Henrik Ibsen)

Drama in one act (70 minutes)

Scene: a peaceful bathing town in Norway (essentially anywhere in the world).
But underneath the surface deepness simmers. Actually it doesn’t simmer, but erupts suddenly.
Whom and what will it wash away?
Is society really like a ship?
Does justice always take the majority’s side?
Do we notice who loves us for real?
Can a revolution start from a bath house?
What is needed for street stones to fly through windows?
And what causes a mayor to be in a bad mood?

Dr. Thomas Stockmann - Ján Koncsol
Catherine Stockmann - Kata Ács
Petra- Hajnalka Molnár
Peter Stockmann - Tamás Barabás
Morten Kiil - Attila Cziczó
Hovstadt - Szabolcs Szendrei
Aslaksen - József Lévai
Captain Horster - András Toldi

Scenery - Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Music - Ján Koncsol
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written by Henrik Ibsen
Directed by Tamás Barabás




nem/más / no/different (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (80 minutes)

At the end of most stories there is no summary. Conclusion. Because it is unnecessary. Stereotypical lives, stereotypical stories. Average. Everyday. Life, you know? Tough or not tough... Hm. Life doesn’t decide about you. You decide about life. About your life.

Sára - Cintia Tyroler
Vivi - Zsanett Kohut
Mamma - Kati Andai
Andris - Ágoston Tóth
András - József Magyar
Andrea - Boglárka Kiss
- Veronika Sipos

Music editor - Dániel Cziczó
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Song - Anikó Jendrics
Sign language - Ferenc Juhász & Péter Mongyi
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



Aha (Attila Cziczó)

Lifelike play in one act (50 minutes)

“Boys are talking to girls. Girls to boys. Children to adults. Adults to children?”
The lifelike play discusses the following relations from three different perspectives:
- I and I (identity search)
- you and I (love, friendship)
- s/he and I (adult-child relations)
First approach: the commonplaces. Societal, cultural typicalities in today’s teenagers’ relationships.
(1/1st scene: love. 1/2nd scene: friendship. 1/3rd scene: school. 1/4th scene: family. 1/5th scene: break up.)
Second approach: inclinations. Out of the norm interpersonal relationships that prompt dangerous situations.
(2/1st scene: friendship. 2/2nd scene: school. 2/3rd scene: love. 2/4th scene: break up. 2/5th scene: family.)
Third approach: life. Micro-level real-life situations, portrayed in a dramatic way.
(3/1st scene: friendship. 3/2nd scene: love. 3/3rd scene: school/family.)

Karesz - Máté Horváth
Fanni - Hajnalka Molnár
Gyöngyi - Cintia Tyroler

Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó




TI [Terra Incognita] (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (110 minutes)

History lesson - not only for pupils!
(One of) the most decisive social keystones of humanity is power. Analysing this subject, our comedy observes the power crisis of a model state from the beginning until the (dramatic) ending. However, instead of generalities, the spectator will get to know people, defenseless against power. Is it true, that history is nothing but the sum of a billion life stories of a billion little people? Even if the play doesn’t give us an answer, it makes an attempt to get us closer to it.

The Good - Szabados Zsuzsa
The Bad - Kati Andai
The Ugly - Asma Ambrus
Zóra / Stella - Zsófia Miklós
Rectus / Ármin - Tamás Barabás
Medius / Foolish - Ján Koncsol
Laevus - Máté Horváth
Viktória / Tourist - Veronika Sipos
Csobán / Tourist - András Toldi
Zoltán - Attila Cziczó

Movement - Béla Stubnya
Music editor - Dániel Cziczó
Scenery - Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Costumes - Irén Tóth
Music - Dániel Serei & Ján Koncsol
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



iluska.wb (Attila Nyulassy)

The story of a party in one act (70 minutes)
Based on Sándor Petõfi’s “János vitéz” poem

The boyfriend of a girl runs off. Forever. Or at least that is what the guy says in a hidden alley of a club. Another girl witnessed the farewell, but promises never to tell anyone about it. She keeps her word. However, a few days later classmates find the video of the confusing goodbye on Youtube. It’s obvious who the suspect is, but she starts to investigate instead of getting desperate. Meanwhile a third girl comforts her suddenly solo classmate. She stands by her while the others direct their pent-up anger at the girl who had to cross the school gates alone for the first time in more than two years. In the meantime the father of the runaway boy calls the school to inform them that his son got ill. The pupils don’t understand what happened, but they are aware of their own theory. Eventually the teachers find out the truth with some help, nonetheless. The boy’s father doesn’t want to confess. During this time the classmates destroyed their classroom, their community, and are getting ready for the next party. The runaway boy will be there too; he didn’t leave forever after all - but how did he find out about the party? What will happen to the new girlfriend? What will happen to the investigator? Will she be able to find out in time what happened exactly? What is a youth thinking who’s been kicked out from home? What happens to the girl whose love leaves her and she is suddenly alone? Are there friends? Can anyone renounce him/herself for someone else?For how long can one be hateful? For how long can one close his/her eyes? Is there anything else besides selfishness? The intention justifies the aiding devices, but what is the intention? If I go down a slope, will I be able to stop? Will I notice that I am on a slope? Am I able to accept others? Must I take responsibility for my actions?
A party where everything falls apart. A class where everyone knows everything. Another party that heads towards disaster. Do we talk or do we remain silent about the problems? West Balkan.

Iluska - Claudia Mészáros
Jancsi - Balázs Orosz
Aliz - Zsófia Miklós
Melinda - Veronika Sipos
Helén - Gabriella Cselle
Alexander - Boglárka Kiss
Döme - Dávid Gallai
Henrietta - Cintia Tyroler
Misell - Kata Ács
János Kukoricza - Máté Horváth

Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics & Attila Nyulassy
Scenery - Máté Horváth
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Nyulassy



Gyenge vagyok / Broken Reed (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (90 minutes)

The performance revolves around a deep and painful adult family tragedy, balancing on the verge of mystery and reality. Father, mother, little girl. Three lives, three fates, three seasons, three pictures. One solution. Cruel, but honest (self)confession about emotions, family, love, hatred, and revenge. War of reality and illusions. War. Peace? The crazy, the creature of impulse, and the intruder. Who is the weak one...?

Lili - Zsófia Miklós
Martina - Kati Andai
Miklós - Béla Stubnya

Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Property-man - Máté Horváth
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó




Iskolapélda / The Despair of Teachers (Attila Cziczó)

Absurd drama in one act (110 minutes)

It is an school in Hungary, with ordinary pupils, teachers, parents, cleaning woman, secretary's office, gate-keeper, lessons, breaks, field trips, parent-teacher meetings, and a collapse at the end--as it usually happens nowadays. There are well-known stereotypes, archetypes, and clichés.
There is also an unexpected twist: the drama, the pretending, and the theatre. When everything is exaggerated, when understanding gets a new meaning, even those who had their heads in the sand will understand the problems. There are a lot of them. Here and there. Teachers, pupils, parents.
This absurd language play has the same structure as a normal school day's timing: it goes from morning till evening. Waking up sleepily, falling asleep tiredly. All this happens by the interpretation of the beautiful Hungarian language, with the restriction of our geographic situation, with the conflicts of our historical disagreements, with the tolerance of our bodies' hardiness, with the accelerating ticking of our biological clocks, with songs here and there, and with the secondary part of the education's iconic character, the class master.
Everything comes to the surface, everything is overstated, appearances are not deceptive, and there's no surprise for anyone. In our performance we break through the limits of school, with a youthful enthusiasm, a teenage charm, but with critical and loving care. We show everything. Everything-in order to make you cry and laugh. Perhaps both at the same time.

Iván Ivánovics / rector - Ján Koncsol
Zoltán András / information technology - Dávid Gallai
István Erős Junior / physical education - András Toldi
Judit Faragó / geography - Annamária Bűdi
László Elemér László / biology - Tamás Barabás
Gizella Orosz / hungarian grammar and literature - Veronika Sipos
Júlia Schmidt / english - Kata Ács
Valter Á. Tóth / philosophy - Attila Nyulassy
Árpád / janitor - Máté Horváth

Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Music - Ján Koncsol
Producer - Balázs Papp
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



Mûköröm / Manicure (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (60 minutes)

This drama deals with today’s most determinative problem area. From the dreams and wishes and the abruptly-in-their-faces-reality of students who suddenly became self-confident adults after high-school graduation unfolds the sad reality: life is sometimes unfair. Even when it is fair.
In this play we can follow three rural girls’ shining and failure in Budapes - not necessarily in this order. Wrong path-of-life choices, longing for the easier and shinier life, then the big slaps on the faces. Life is hard. Everyone can make mistakes, but it is often extremely hard to override the mistakes. Of course the opportunity is given, and everyone has a chance to start over.
Marta uses her body to soar to Himalayan heights. Tili is trying to run ahead while hiding her non-existent talent. And Ida is trying to color her gray (non-)personality.
Two of them don’t succeed. (Not a bad ratio, isn’t it?)
Three girls are sitting on a bench...three girls are daydreaming. What is it like to live in a big city? What is it like to be a big girl? What is the price of turning into an adult? A series of tragedies, signs, examples, confrontations, lectures. Perhaps a little demagogic word-feeding into one’s mouth! Or not?

Ida - Veronika Sipos
Martha - Zsanett Kohut
Tili - Annamária Bûdi
T. - András Toldi

Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Property-man - Máté Horváth
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



HáRoMnõVÉr / ThreeSisterS (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

Comedy in one act (90 minutes)

The ThreeSisterS is a youth theatre's stage adaptation of Chekhov's classic, a series of etudes, using a well-known story for a game in which children try to get used to the idea of becoming adults. We are not putting three sisters on the stage; we get a taste of quintessences only; we use a strong, everlasting wall for our graffiti where Olga, Masha and Irina could possibly be Anna, Nanni or Zsófi as well. We are not striving for an explanation. For us lyre is a method that disciplines, as well as establishes achiavable goals for the hesitant or scared young actors who are at the threshold of adulthood.
Hidden in Chekhov's text we find opportune chances that make it possible for us to achieve our play. The three girls' and their brother's struggle, these fatherless, abandoned, and spoiled young people give us a great chance to lift this classic play of the past to the level of present days. That's where drama and pedagogy meet: are present day young people who are about to become adults able to express their uncertainty with Chekhov's phrases?
We are trying to find the answer with our performance.

Olga - Anna Herczeg
Masha - Zsófia Miklós
Irina - Annamária Bûdi
Andrey - András Herczeg
Natasha - Lili Birtók
Vershinin / Kulygin - Máté Horváth
Tuzenbach / Solyony - Dávid Gallai
Chebutykin - Attila Cziczó

Scenery - Anikó Jendrics
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Technician - Dániel Cziczó
Hungarian text - Andrea Stuber
Scenical version - Attila Cziczó
Producer - Tibor Orosz ('UDVARszínHÁZ' Cultural Association)
Written by
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Directed by Attila Cziczó



Fém / Metal (Attila Cziczó)

in co-production with New Theatre of Budapest

Drama in one act (90 minutes)

It's the story of Lola and Sam, their eighteen years together which appears on stage in two possible ways: with Stella, their child, or without her.
The play deals with the most determinative sphere of problems of nowadays: money, career, fame versus family, personal relationships, and children. Two almost-adult teenagers are daydreaming about their future life; and what we see is the sad truth: how the close fellowship of two people can go wrong if they don't choose their goals correctly.
We can follow all the consequences of wrong choices in the life of a girl and a boy (a woman and a man). It's a sort of game, where at the end the two losers and the spectator can heave a sigh of relief; it's never too late to correct mistakes, and anyone has a chance to start over again.
The drama of Lola and Sam is a message of the future, to older and younger spectators alike; recognize yourself and live a full life. Stella, who can see everything, knows everything, loves unconditionally and means good, is the same as we are, the spectators who get the absolution: life is greater and smarter than us. It is always helpful to recognize and correct our faults, to make our compact lives more complete, and to get the opportunity to start over again.
You can expect a moving, sincere, daring, and a really youthful performance which makes you laugh and cry at the same time and breaks conventional theatrical style.

The drama's title - 'Fém' - in Hungarian is a play on words; its meaning is metal. However, when pronounced, it sounds like the English word 'fame'. This is no accident, since our play's message is the stark reality of adulthood combined with young people's dreams about fame.

The play will have English subtitles.

Lola - Anna Herczeg
Sam - András Miklós Sütõ
Stella - Zsófia Miklós
Papa / Victor Laszlo / Csabi - Soma Danhauser
Mama / Elvira / Psychologist - Annamária Bûdi
Suzy / Purple Soul - Veronika Sipos

Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Property-man - Dávid Gallai
Technician - Dániel Cziczó
English text - Ági Bori
Producer - Balázs Papp
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó



Káélet / F'ing Life (Attila Cziczó)

Drama in one act (70 minutes)

What can a 21st-century youth can expect when s/he first faces reality: I became an adult?
Regarding questions, challenges, tasks, intentions. Regarding decision making.
Did society prepare for the new adult generation? Did the new adult generation prepare for today’s societal expectations? These are timely questions.
There are moments when man feels this way: now I became that! (Human.)
The protagonist Andris (Henry) thinks that too. As a recent college graduate, he plunged into the swampy meadows of independence, broken away from parents, looking for answers to life’s big questions as he lives his not-so-everyday life. He looks back, looks ahead, looks for a solution. Just like many other youngster nowadays. Will he get answers? One for sure. One cynical, foreshadowing, exasperating, helpful, honest answer: life isn’t hard.

Henry / Andris - András Herczeg
Sandra / Terka - Claudia Mészáros
Andi / Mama - Gabriella Cselle
Petra / Terka - Boglárka Kiss
Sári / Gipsy girl / Stupid girl - Cintia Tyroler
Péter - Dávid Gallai

Guitar player - Attila Cziczó

Scenery - Anikó Jendrics & Máté Horváth
Costumes and set - Anikó Jendrics
Written and directed by Attila Cziczó
